What Factor Has the Biggest Impact on Your Credit Score?


A credit score is usually influenced by a variety of factors. Here, we'll look at the top five Factors that Influence Credit Scores:

  1. Repayment History

A borrower's credit score is, to a large extent, a reflection of the timeliness with which loans or credit card bill payments are made. Defaults on credit card bills or loan repayments can have a negative impact on a person's credit score. The longer it takes to repay credit card bills and the greater the number of unpaid bills, the lower the credit score. A credit score is calculated using repayment history, which accounts for approximately 30% of the total. As a result, it is critical to keep track of one's repayment due dates and, ideally, never miss a due date in order to maintain a good Credit Score.

  1.   Credit Utilization 

Credit usage is an important factor influencing credit scores because it accounts for at least 25% of the score.If a borrower consistently exhibits poor spending habits, such as spending beyond his or her means, this can result in a higher credit utilisation ratio.This may have a detrimental effect on his or her credit score. That's because lenders view higher credit utilisation as negligent personal finance on the borrower's part.

  1.  Number of Credit Inquiries

If there is an investigation or a new credit card or loan, lenders frequently run a hard check on a borrower's credit report. The hard inspection is primarily used to assess the borrower's repayment ability and can thus be a deciding factor in loan approval. When a person applies for credit and debit cards or loans from various institutions, it indicates that he or she is credit hungry. Lenders' primary concern is the timely return of funds lent. Thus, aggressive implementations for credit cards or debts with different lenders can create a negative impression and indicate that the borrower may be unable to service the loan repayment as expected by the lender.

Multiple credit inquiries to different lenders have a negative impact on a credit score by up to 20%.

  1.   Length of Credit History

Banks typically keep a thorough record of the debtor's credit history. Potential lenders also obtain a detailed credit report in order to gain an understanding of credit history and usage.A long and good credit history has a positive impact on a debtor's credit rating and makes it easier to obtain credit. Financial institutions prefer a strongly positive financing track record, so it may be a good idea to keep an old credit card open even if it is no longer necessary. Having to close old credit cards may result in a decrease in your credit score.

  1.   Credit Mix

Lenders consider a borrower's credit mix, which includes both secured and unsecured loans, to be ideal. To obtain the loan, the borrower must pledge any asset as collateral.These loans involve mortgages, car loans, and so on. Unsecured loans, such as personal loans, do not require any collateral. Borrowing various types of credit and paying them back on time can help the borrower build trust with the lender and improve their Credit Score.

Borrowers must obtain a copy of their credit file at least once a week and ensure that it is free of errors. Borrowers must constantly work to develop and maintain a healthy credit rating in order to be able to help negotiate lending terms in the future.




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